Category: News

Das neue EU Anti-Geldwaschenpaket

Law Office Vujacic hat an einem Workshop teilgenommen, der von der Europäischen Rechtsanwälte Foundation – ELF – und des Rates der Rechtsanwaltskämmern und Rechtsvereine Europas ...

The new EU Anti-money laundering package

Law Office Vujacic had partaken in a workshop organized by the European Lawyers Foundation – the ELF – and the Council of Bars and Law ...


Law Office Vujacic hatte die Ehre und die Freude, an einem Training zum Thema des Werbens von Alkoholgetränken teilzunehmen, das von unseren lieben Kollegen im ...

Alcoholic beverages advertisement

Law Office Vujacic had the honor and pleasure to take part in a training on the topic of advertising alcoholic beverages held by our dear ...

New Amendments to the Law on Profit Tax of Legal Entities have been adopted

The Parliament of Montenegro, in its regular session held on December 29, 2023, adopted the Amendments to the Law on Profit Tax of Legal Entities ...

The new Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing has been adopted

The new Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing has been published on the 12, December 2023 in the “Official Gazette of ...

WJP Rule of Law Index 2023 with participation from Law Office Vujacic

For the first time, Montenegro has been ranked in the Rule of Law Index among 142 countries, with a good 57th ranking position. Ms. Jelena ...

Upcoming Changes to Legislation/Predstojeće izmjene zakona

The Work Program of the Government of Montenegro for 2023 envisages the preparation of a set of draft laws that are in final phase. Montenegro ...


Law Office Vujacic Partner Mr Sasa Vujacic has been selected to join the Final Selection Committee for the 2022 CEE Deals of the Year Awards — ...

New Amendments to the Set of Tax Laws

At the extraordinary session of the Parliament of Montenegro held on  February 28, 2023 a set of tax acts was adopted. The Parliamentary Committee for ...