Category: News

A new General Collective Agreement has been signed

The new General Collective Agreement („GCA“) was signed on December 26, 2022 and published at the Official Gazzete of Montenegro no. 150/22 on  30, December ...

Why Montenegro wouldn’t be your next destination?

Many foreign citizens searching to relocate to a European country, choose Montenegro as their lifetime destination, even though is not yet a member of the ...


The world is changing and becoming more global, interconnected, and digital every day. More than ever, technology broke down barriers to running a business and ...

WHY / HOW TO GET ……………

In the last decade, we have witnessed a globally developing interest in obtaining a residence/temporary residence permit, different from the one you have. There are ...

Will the legalization of informal facilities in Montenegro finally succeed?

Several factors led to an increase in informal settlements in Montenegro. Before its independence in 2006, about 30,000 refugees migrated to Montenegro from other regions ...

The round table on “Law on Business Organisations – Challenges and Dilemmas”/Okrugli sto na temu “Zakon o privrednim društvima – izazovi i dileme”

The Chamber of Commerce and the Association of Lawyers of Montenegro organised a round table on 25 February “Law on Business Organisations – Challenges and ...

Tax Reform in Montenegro

In “Official Gazette of Montenegro” no. 145/21 and no. 146/21 on 31, December 2021 were published amendments of the series of laws including : Law ...


Sasa Vujacic , Managing partner at Law Office Vujacic has been invited to join the elite panel of judges for the 2021 CEE Deals of ...

The Ultimate Beneficial Owners Register Established

In July 2021 the Revenue and Customs Administration of Montenegro established the Register of Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO Register) within the Central Registry of Business ...

Deadline for Business Harmonization with the new Law on Companies

According to the new Law on Companies, all joint stock companies and limited liability companies are obliged to harmonize their organization with the law and ...